Wednesday, August 14, 2019

13 months - Sabiduría vs. Inteligencia

Joseph called today while I was waiting with Ethan at the podiatrist (getting his ingrown toe nail fixed again.) and then we got home and it was busy then I took kids to school for things and I was busy and distracted a bit there too, SO I didn't get a screen shot of his face today. And he didn't send any pictures! So no pictures this week. Although if I had taken a screen shot it probably would have looked a lot like all the other screen shots. But still kinda sad to not have a picture for this post. I feel like every blog post needs a pictures. Let's read his letter and see what we can find...
      Subject:  Sabiduría vs. Inteligencia           

So this week was actually really great! We feel like some of the people we are teaching are really starting to progress. We felt like we could do a lot better helping people keep their commitments especially in coming to church so this week that was a big focus for us. We invited people a lot earlier in the week (not just on Saturday) and coordinated for members to pass by them and bring them (because since we are covering 2 wards it makes it hard for us to pass by them to bring them to church) and it really payed off! A couple weeks ago between the two wards only 1 person came but this past Sunday we had 9 people in total! The Lord really helped us out and we saw some miracles. Church attendance is really important because of the sacrament where we renew our baptismal covenant. And in order to make that covenant they need to come to church and even better if they sit right behind the deacons passing the sacrament to get a good view of the sacrament table and remember Christ which is the reason we come to sacrament meeting. If they are sitting in the back it is likely that their view will be of people on their phones. Phones can be a great tool and I really like smart phones. They are literally like a Urim and Thumim. But they should not be a distraction for us or for others. There was an article about this in a Liahona (ya know Ensign) a while ago. Stuff like the gospel library app is great and can make the meeting better and more spiritual and I will usually send a text to the bishop with the names of the new people in church so he can acknowledge and welcome them. So it can be a really great tool but if someone is using it to look at memes on facebook and you are sitting right behind them it is WAY distracting. And investigators have made comments about that to me before and it made me feel really bad. Me da mucha pena. So please PLEASE don't use your phone in church except for church stuff and do you best not to distract others even with the church related stuff. We want to give the best impression possible to our friends who are visiting the church. So I got on a tangent there but yeah it was a great week in church attendance this week and a lot of them did have good experiences and are even planning on going to see the Prophet when we comes next week! That's right, the Prophet is comin to Guate.

The missionaries that are inside the captial will be able to go see him in person but those outside the cap will just watch the transmission. I am inside the captial but there are changes/transfers 4 days before he comes so assuming they don't send me outside the cap I will get to go see the President Nelson. Whether I get to see him or not though I am super excited.

Also some funny things that happened this week. We were reading the Book of Mormon with Aura and her daughter Madelin and some members and Aura got "Nefi"mixed up with "Netflix". Haha we read from 2 Netflix 31 with her. She also combines Mormon and Moroni and says Mormoni which is pretty funny. Madelin, the daughter came to church this week with those members and really loved it. Also Elder Tercero has that phobia where he gets queasy when he sees lots of tiny holes! My Mom sent me a definition: Trypophobia is an aversion to the sight of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes, or bumps. We figured this out because we made pancakes this week and he couldnt stand looking at it when the bubbles started coming up.
Hahah he couldn't even look at it long enough to turn the pancake over.  

Also there is a cool insight I learned this week about inteligence and Wisdom from our good friend Solomon that connects to the Word of Wisdom. As you know Solomon was very very wise. So when we started teaching Solomon we joked that he must be wise as well and that got into a conversation and I had a mini epiphany (probably not how you spell it) while he told us this story explaining how inteligence and wisdom are different. He told us of a guy he saw who was really smart who he saw buy a cigarette, and that he bought the most expensive brand of cigarette. But everywhere here that sells cigarettes has a sign above it that says in capital letters "COMSUMING THIS PRODUCT CAUSES SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS. IT PRODUCES CANCER". So when Solomon saw that this very smart, inteligent guy was buying cigarettes even though he knew and it said right in front of him that they would be bad for him he thought "why would you do that??" and then proceeded to explain that this man was inteligent, but he was not wise. And that's when it hit me. What demonstrated that this guy wasn't wise was the fact that he wasn't keeping the Word of Wisdom! La Palabra de Sabiduría! El no fue sabio! It isn't called the Word of Inteligence, but the Word of Wisdom. So I challenge you all to use your wisdom and be wise and keep the Word of Wisdom! The Ensign for this past month talks a lot about how we need to treat our bodies and how they are temples and it is so true! They are really a wonderful creation that God has given us and we need to respect them. God wants us to be Wise and also Inteligent. But there are a lot more attributes that we should develop and a lot of them you can find in chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel. I want to invite you all to study that chapter and pick an attribute to become better on, study more about it, and then start to apply it.
I know that Jesus Christ lives and that this is His church! He is our perfect example. I love Him and I love all of you as well.

Also I would like to appologize if I spell things wrong that are really obvious ilke church. The spell check is in spanish and I dont usually reread my emails so if I dont spell it right when I am typing and dont see the error. Hopefully you get what I am saying though.
A few thoughts - I first learned about Trypophobia from Stephanie Nielsen here. Here's another article about it.

Also, I left most of Joseph's spelling and punctuation errors today cause he gave that discalimer at the end, but I usually correct everything. :)

And a thought on the Word of Wisdom, Joseph was the one who started the plant based lifestyle for me two years ago, so here are a few of my blog posts and thoughts about that: Going vegan, Law of Health, and Why God Doesn't Over Explain the Word of Wisdom
And speaking of that warning on cigarettes, I've also been thinking about cancer. We have more than our fair share of ladies in our ward suffering from cancer. I really think the best way to fight most forms of cancer is through food. Here is a lady who defeated cancer through a whole food starch diet (Dr. McDougall!) What is more extreme? Giving up animal products -or- Radiation and Chemotherapy?

And a few links from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine - 
cancer survival kids
processed meat
red meat and colon cancer

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