Wednesday, August 21, 2019

13 months - From Santa Marta to Chimaltenango

  Subject:   Santa Marta --> Chimaltenango     

What a week!

So we had changes this week and I honestly felt like I was going to get transferred even though I was training because that normally doesn't normally happen. None of the members thought I would get tranfserred either but then President Barney called me Sunday afternoon asking if I would be willing to serve as a zone leader and saying that I would be going to Chimaltenango with Elder Riffo. So that was nice because I already knew that I was leaving so I could say bye to people a little sooner. Elder Tercero and I had a great last week together though.
Little update on Madelin, she came to church again this week and is going to go see the prophet with a member friend on Saturday!! I got transferred out but the plan was to put her on date for baptism last night for the 31st! So hopefully that went well but we are super excited about her progress!
It kinda felt like as soon as things started going really well I got transferred out haha but its all good. I am sure that Elder Tercero and his new companion are going to do really well there.
So when I said bye to people that we were teaching that are on track for baptism I felt like I should give them one of those granite rocks (which I normally give at baptismal services) and when I gave it to Galilea (who is close to getting baptized) she started tearing up and it was a super cool moment. I cant wait to see the pictures of all those people in white (when they get baptized and also a few years down the road when they go to the TEMPLE!!)

Here is Galilea and her dad
Another pilas eternal investigator we we are hoping will get baptized soon and is also going to go see the prophet, Eneyda and her sister Victoria
Fun fact is that Elder Riffo and I were in the MTC together!! He got there the day before I did and left after only 3 weeks. We weren't in the same zone though so I didn't know him personally but it was funny because we realized we have the exact same amount of time in the mission.
He is a super pilas, obedient and hard working missionary and I am learning a lot from him. He is from Chile where my dad served!! Vive Chile!! I am excited for all the miracles we are going to see this transfer! The first one was last night when a couple walked up to us and asked us for some "lectura" (which never happens) and we invited them to see the prophet and come to church and we are going to visit them tomorrow.

Chimaltenano seems really cool and the house is literally the nicest missionary house I have seen. It is calidad. There are 3 bathrooms and honestly I feel like I am in the states when I walk in the house. Other than a couple things (like the cucas) but that is what RAID MAX is for.
Here is the Chimal zone! (well part of it)
Also the most pilas family ever!! I am sure their papers will all get figured out in this change so they can get baptized! They bought us pizza that night.
That's it for this week!!

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