Wednesday, November 20, 2019

16 months - Sopresa

    Subject:  Sopresa                        

Hey Hey!!

This was a good week. Not an amazing week, but a good week. We were a little disappointed about our turnout for church this week but are really trying to help the people we are teaching resolve their concerns through the Book of Mormon and keep commitments. If you are sad, read the Book of Mormon. If you need answers, read the Book of Mormon. If you want to have a happier family, read the Book of Mormon. And don't just read it, but feast upon it and LIVE what you learn. I can give you a 100% guarantee that things will get better.

This week I got a big surprise! Galilea, who we were teaching in Santa Marta, got baptized this week! She was the girl who was already reading Saints and going to Institute and came to church and already knew that the Book of Mormon is true. But there were some complications and so she did not get baptized in my time there. Buuut she got baptized this past week aaaand I got to baptize her!! That never happens by the way. The area presidency has been very clear that missionaries cannot return to their old areas to visit people for baptisms. But this was a very special case that I could explain but don't really want to take the time to explain it but the point is I got to be there and it was super great!! Her parents are not members but are super great people and I know their time will come.


So that was the highlight of the week!
We are also still working with Ely (who's first name is Elder) and he is doing great! He has a lot of great questions and came again to play soccer with us. He understands really well and has lots of great questions. Keep him in your prayers.

Also the Osorio family is doing great and we are still working with them, and are planning a temple trip soon! This week after the face to face we helped them get started on family history work and found a cool miracle where it suggested a record asking Nicodemo if it was his grandpa and it was! And because of that record he found out who his great grandparents were and it was so cool! Makes me excited to do some family history work in the future. We also started teaching Dinas sister Rosa and her family! But we found them separately and so Dina doesn't know that we are teaching her sister yet but they are very similar.

I'd just like to end with my testimony that this is Christ's Church and that He will direct and guide us in our lives, helping us to be truly happy, if we do what he asks of us. It is my deep conviction that He has called us to help gather Israel, which is the most important work on the whole earth. I challenge you to go and open your mouth to share the gospel with someone! If you do so without fear, the Lord will help you and guide your words so that the Spirit brings it unto the heart of the person, so that they can choose to accept the restored Gospel.

Con mucho amor
Elder Wride

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