Wednesday, December 5, 2018

5 Months - Ilumina el mundo

    Subject: Ilumina El Mundo          

Hola amigos! So this week waas really good. It's really weirding me out that this is the last week of changes. This change has flown by so far.

I mentioned that missionary choir we're doing that the stake mission leader put together. So we've been practicing every p-day and every monday before district council and had our first two gigs on saturday. We sang, along with two other zones by this huge christmas tree in a place called obelisco. It wasn't nearly as good as skyline madrigals but so we sang and contacted and then sang again. We didn't have a piano to get a note from so it was kind of rough and I wished I'd brought my pitch-pipe with me on the misson haha. I'm not sure who put the whole thing together but apparently they did it last year too. It was fun but felt a little bit like not the best use of time as missionaries but we got some pillasish conacts. We went straight from there to the stake center where we performed for this company expo in the stake center. That one went a lot better because we actually had a piano and the guy who accompanaied us, Gustavo, is super good at piano. Since I had a little experience in choir and I got to direct both times when we sang and have also been directing when we practice. I think it helps us all stay together but they don't watch very well. Also they need to smile when they sing! Everything has been coming back from Mads last year! Also when we sang at obelisco with the other zones they gave us these cool ilumina el mundo (light the world) shirts 

Monday I went on divisions with Elder Erikson and it was the craziest day! We went to the baptism of an 8 year old kid from their ward but had to run back to the house to get baptismal clothes and it was super crazy! 

The most exciting thing that day was that Mario is now on date for Baptism again for the 15th!!! We had a lesson with him that night and it was super spiritual. 

Little update on the Martinez family. They are going to be gone all of december... que lastima. But they're still super pillas and I'm sure they will get baptized one day. Hopefully in January and hopefully I'll still be here in Lo de Coy. I don't have a whole lot of time left and didn't write much this morning so that's it for this week but I invite you all to invite someone to a family home evening that isn't a member. Love you all!!

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