Wednesday, December 12, 2018

5 Months - I Decided to Adopt

              Subject: Decidí a adoptar                       

So first off sorry last weeks email was a little short. Elder Gadea had to go to the doctor in the morning and then we went to this place called cayalá for zone p-day. It was this mall/city place. The nicest mall I have ever been to in my life. It was all outdoors and was totally like Italy. I've never been to Italy but it just really felt like I was in italy when we were there. Then we took this bus back and the bus driver was SUPER crazy. Like they're crazy anyways but he was especially crazy. He almost crashed a few times but we got back safe and sound and after like 10 minutes my heart rate was back to normal. But don't worry the buses are usually a lot more tranquilo than that. So anyways we got back and I had barely anything of my email written on the alphasmart and didn't have time to finish it because Elder Gadea had to go to physical therapy. SO sorry it was kinda short last week with no pictures.

Right now Elder Gadea is in San Francisco. San Francisco Florida not California jaja (jaja is haha in español). One of the zones here in Guatemala is called Florida and one of the areas there is San Franscisco. So that is where Elder Gadea is right now and it's an area that is a lot smaller and flatter than Lo de Coy which will hopefully be a lot better on his knees. Keep him in your prayers. We had a good change together and when it ended we were really on fire! Elder Gadea sealed the deal with Marios baptism on saturday by himself! It was during the third hour of church. Mario said he had some questions for us and so what ended up happening is we did divisions during the third hour of church so he could answer Marios questions before church ended (his comp was the ward mission leader) and I went to the combined meeting with Priesthood and Relief Society about Ilumina El Mundo. Mario still had doubts about his baptismal date but Elder Gadea had a SUPER awesome lesson with him and sealded the deal and now he is so so ready and super excited about it. And I cannot wait for him to take this great step that is going to "be the best decision of his life"to quote Mario.

So Marios baptismal interview is tonight and then right after he has an interview with the bishop to get the aaronic priesthood. He is so pillas. I'll send you those pictures next wek!!

Which brings me to the next thing. Because of his interview Elder Erikson has to come here and we'll be on divisions. He is coming here with me because my new comp, Elder Adams doesn't know the area yet and he's never met the investigator Emmanuel that we are visiting tonight. Elder Adams is from the same group as Elder Gates, Elder Eriksons kid. So since him and Elder Gates both have only 6 weeks in the field I am finishing his training! Haha so tonight we're going to have 2 newbies together but I think they'll survive. When we got the call about changes I was super surprised that I am finishing his training. So wish me luck.
So I am his second dad. It was never in my plans to adopt but I am excited about it. So yeah I now have an adopted son.
Yesterday I went to the mission offices to go to the news training meeting and to pick him up. Elder Adams is from Canada! So now there are two Canadians in the zone.

Here is my last picture with Elder Gadea and another one with our matching ilumina el mundo tshirts

Also last week on p-day I got a couple Christmas packages!!
One from mom and dad and one from my grandparents. It was so awesome!! I open the one from mom and dad because the stuff wasn't wrapped. Plus I already knew what was in it but I'm saving the other one for Christmas!

This morning we went on a long hike to a place called Sendero Alux aka Cerro Alux as a zone for p-day and it was so cool!
 There was a really awesome view of all of Guatemala City

Also a pretty sweet pic with the Guate flag on my back
Also here's a picture of one of the volcanos.
There pictures of the view have another volcano in it. You can't see it super well in the picture but there was smoke coming out of it! Kinda cool haha.

So lots of great things happening here. I will hit Christmas and my birthday this change so that's also exciting. Learning a lot and the Lord's work is really progressing!! We're really going to work hard with Emmanuel this week so he can get baptized this month.

Also I've talked a little bit about Imulina el mundo. Of course you all know what it is but here in central america they are really emphasizing having a Noche de Hogar (family home evening) about christmas with someone who isn't a member (neighbor, family member, friends from work, etc) and really just sharing a message about Jesus Christ with them because that is what Christmas is all about. Not very many of you are in Central America and if you aren't I just want to invite you to do the same thing! Invite someone you're friends with to a family home evening and sing a christmas hymn, have a prayer, read Luke 2:1-16 and share you testimony about Jesus Christ and share the Light the World things with them. You can also use the videos the church made for each of the weeks of Light the World. As you do so you will be lighting the world and even if they aren't interested in the church you'll have blessed their lives. As members of the church we really are the light of the world but any light we have is light that comes from our Savior Jesus Christ. During Ilumina El Mundo my testimony of Jesus Christ has really been strengthening. I know that my Redeemer lives!!

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