Wednesday, February 19, 2020

19 months - Una Semana Más

During our phone call with Joseph today, Corey had him go over some college stuff, like sign up for the housing he wants this fall (he signed up for Helaman Halls, building 3 I think). We also got his flight plans two weeks ago. He is coming home in July. He could be coming home in June 2nd but he wants to extend. We tried to tell him he should could home and get working on all the stuff he needs to figure out before starting school, like how he's going to pay for it, but as he thought of that and read his scriptures, he read the verses from the Lord's prayer of taking no thought for the morrow. 3 Nephi 13:34. He seemed to struggle a little bit as we made him step out of his "lost in the work" mindset and face a bit of the "back to reality" life choices that will be here very soon. We're excited for him to come home, but we're also grateful that he is loving being a missionary. We trust that the Lord will help him make all the decisions that will be coming up this summer, like what to major in and how to pay for school and stuff. We can trust that as we take one day at a time, the Lord will provide and the morrow will take care of the needs of itself. Matthew 6:34. Our friend Elder Christofferson gave a great talk on that topic - Daily Bread - read here - or watch here.
  Subject: Una Semana Más     

Well this week was good, but not as good as we were hoping it would be.

Last week we went to the megapaca and look what we found! A picture of the Salt Lake Temple!
So I bought it and its by my desk now. We also saw a Book of Mormon in english and a bunch of other church stuff and also some U of U gear. I was going to buy the Book of Mormon but instead we left our phone number in it.

We also had a zone breakfast with chocolate chip pancakes this morning. We remembered everything except for forks. But the pancakes were really good!
Also speaking of food this week we made these smiley face hash browns.
Yesterday we saw some miracles contacting and found a lady who had recently moved here who went to church but never got baptized and wants to learn more and right next to her was a less-active guy I had met, but I didn't know where he lived.

We were a little disappointed that the important appointment we had with Sandi and her family had to get canceled last week again but we finally went last night and had a good lesson about the Doctrine of Christ. But we should have focused from the beginning on her need because she was really wondering about the reality of the plates so we talked about the importance and the weight of the 3 witnesses. But the great thing is that Sandi hasn't missed a week of church since the year started which is really awesome and we are teaching her siblings and mom more too. Keep them in your prayers!

And speaking of the three witnesses I would also like to give my testimony to the world of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Also I would like to note that if the Book of Mormon were a total fraud, then why didn't any of the three witnesses deny the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon ever, even when they were not affiliated with the church? Well it's because its true. 

So Joseph didn't say anything about this egg picture, but it was attached in his email, so I'll share my thoughts: As he shared last month, they get eggs from a lady they are teaching, and some of them are really big and have either huge yolks, or they have two yolks! So I said that that must be a sign of good luck, if you have a two yolk breakfast, that means that it's going to be a good day. :) So go and make it a good one, make it a two yolk day!
Also, I remember having those hash brown smiley faces once, not sure if it was Brazil, Costa Rica, or Chile, but it seems like it was recently so I'm going to say it was when we were in Brazil in 2015. Joseph also shared that they recently bought some of the Brazilian cheese bread ball things, but they don't have an oven in their apartment to cook them in, so they just covered them and cooked them on the stove, he said they turned out good! 

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