Wednesday, July 10, 2019

12 months - Third Time's the Charm!

Well we love Joseph!
On the phone call today he was able to wish Natalie a happy birthday.
Here's his letter:
          Subject: Third Times the Charm                 
Well guess what! I am training again! So I guess the third times the charm! Also something kinda funny is that my new companions name is Elder Tercero meaning Elder Third! Coincidence? I think not. He is from Nicaragua and is super great!
Also happy fourth of July to all of you!
and on the 6th (a couple days late) the lady who makes our lunch made us hamburgers and they were soooo good.

This week I also went on divisions with Elder Anderton who is from Bountiul.

And we found 3 new people to teach that day and one of them who is named José didn't cancel on us when we went to visit him again and is really super receptive. He understands what we are teaching really well and is willing to read and learn more. We need him to come to church but hopefully I'll send a picture of him dressed in white soon!

Also there is a couple we are teaching named Sergio and Karen and they are very catholic but also very nice. They are references form their neighbor who used to be the bishop and he has been working with them for a long time actually just ministering to them and sharing the gospel is simple and natural ways. The sad thing is that every appointment we have set up with them for a little over a week has fallen though. Like last night when we went their light went out and so we will have to go back Thursday. BUT the good thing is that they have been reading the Book of Mormon and he didn't have that many questions because his neighbor has already answered most of them! The neighbor, Juan Carlos, went by the other day to ask him something that would have taken 5 minutes but saw that he was reading El Libro de Mormon and then they ended up talking about it for an hour and a half! It was sweet and we are super stoked and are gonna keep working with them.

Also Kimberly came to church!! Por FIN!! And she has been reading the Book of Mormon but doesn't want to go to any young womens activities. So any tips to help her go and get more involved in the ward? She says she doesn't want to go because she doesn't like big groups. So we will see what happens there.

Also something kinda weird is that the new offices are in the Montserrat stake where I started my mission and the financial secretary area for the Antigua mission is in Lo de Coy! So I've been asking how all those people have been but because they've had to open up a new mission and all that they haven't been in the area as much as normal.

That's about it for this week 

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