Wednesday, April 24, 2019

10 months (in 2 days) - Más Nuevos

              Subject: Más Nuevos                                    

Hola Amigos!

This week was super great!!

Elder Castillo and I have been working hard and have a pretty solid pool of new inestigators. Or at least we hope they'll be solid haha they look like they'll be. So we're hoping for the best! Since they added a third companionship to Jutiapa we lost the part of our area that we worked in the most. Our area is still pretty big though and there are still plently of people to teach the gospel to that are just waiting to find it. But last week it kinda felt like we were starting from almost nothing. There were a few people we were teaching before that want to get baptized but they don't come to church (even though they say they'll come!) and at most of the appointments we set up they aren't there so we've been trying to find lots more new people and have really seen some success. And the best part is the majority of them are references!

First I'll talk about Mirla. Mirla is the cousin of a super awesome young man in the ward named Eduardo. Eduardo is active and super strong but only him and his mom are members in the house that they live in. We had set up an appointment to visit Eduardo a bunch of his non-member freinds that were interested in the Book of Mormon but his friends never showed up. We waited for a little bit talking to Eduardo and then right when we were about to leave his cousin Mirla walked into theh room and said she wanted to listen and had a TON of questions. So we responded her questions and ended up reading 3 Nephi 11 with them and invited her to be baptized if she received an answer and she accepted! And she said she'd come to church with Eduardo and his mom on Sunday. So we're hoping all goes as planned and she'll be able to get baptized next month.

Also the bishops nephew, this guy named Oscar, came to church on Sunday! We had read Ether 12 with him and his grandma and talked about faith and invited him to come to church and he said he was actually already going to come because a member friend had invited him and he came with white shirt and tie and everything! We haven't invited him to be baptized yet but are definitely going to be working with him a lot more to help him accept and live the Restored Gospel.

Also yesterday we taught this young couple that we met in a Noche de Hogar (Night of Home meaning Family Home Evening) named Erika and Jefry and we honestly didn't think they would progress that much but we decided to stop by yesterday because all of our other appointments fell through and they were home and they listed and Erika had even read the pamphlet! When we asked about what they knew about prophets she said "yeah like William Smith was a prophet and those three guys put their hands on his head" haha so we explained that his name was Jose Smith but it was cool because she actually read what we had left with them! They also are really excited about learning more and accepted baptismal invitations as well. A lot of people will accept commitments and invitations but I've noticed that it's harder to get them to keep their commitments. But they're gonna need to do that to stay active in the Church and more importantly to become who Heavenly Father wants them to become through His plan.

That's about it for this week but I just wanted to finish showing how I've been marking my scriptures in now the almost 10 months in the field.

So chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel has 5 lessons, each with a different color . The Restoration (blue), The Plan of Salvation (orange), The Gospel of Jesus Christ (green), Commandments (purple), and Laws and Ordinances (yellow). So it's taken a while and I'm not all the way done yet but I've been marking and tabbing scriptures for each of these lessons according to their colors. Each lesson also has priniples and so I have a primary scripture for each principle. So if I want a scripture for the Restoration, priniple 7 which is the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, in my head I would think R-7 or Blue 7 and go to the seventh blue tab.
Which takes me to John 10:16
And up top I have written down other scriptures that have to do with the Book of Mormon to use (but that don't have tabs because I don't use them as much) with a little key word so I know what it talks about. for instance Isaiah 29:4 - polvo (which means dust) if I want to talk about how the Book of Mormon speaks from the dust after talking about the "other sheep". So I have one or two tabs with principle sciptures for each principle of each lesson in the Book of Mormon and in the Bible. I haven't tabbed all the principle scriptures yet but I have all the scriptures maked for all the lessons and just started for lesson 5.

It was my MTC teacher Juinor who actually showed us this, which is what he used on his mission and I thought it was pretty genius so I copied it and it has helped a lot to get to my scriptures better and to learn the gospel better through the scriptures.

There is no doubt in my mind thar Christ lives and that He directs His restored Church. He brought forth the Book of Mormon through His prophet Joseph Smith as an evidence of the Restoration so we could learn of our divine potential and realize that through His gospel. For one who takes the time they can know it to and so I invite all of you to put in the time and after you have a testimony don't let it die! Keep feeding and bearing your testimony because if you don't you'll loose it!

Con mucho Amor - Elder Wride

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