Wednesday, February 13, 2019

7 months - Aqui Mire

No pictures this week. He didn't send them last week either but said he tried and thought he had, but did mention that it was taking a long time to upload. Must be from being so far out in the country.
     Subject: Aqui Mire              

If you ever come to Guatemala and someone asks you "como estå"you need to respond saying äqui mire". Aqui mire means "here, look"like look I'm right here. So it doesn't make a whole lof of sense but it's what everybody says. I think it might be just a Guatemalan thing but Elder Aquino and I joke about it a lot. I didn't ask where you are I asked how you are! So that's something kinda funny. Also people here point with their lips. Like if you ask where someone lives they'll say over there and instead of pointing with their hands they'll point with their lips as their talking. It's hard to describe and isn't efficient at all but without noticing really I started doing it too and it just kinda seems natural actually. So those are some funny Guatemalanisms.

This week was really good! We have been working a lot with Jonotan and he finally came to church!! He is the younger brother of a super cool member named Kevin and Jonotan has almost gotten baptized before. Like 2 before where the font was literally filled and then I'm not really sure what happened but he hasn't been baptized yet. He is 15 and is a super cool guy. His nickname is canche which basically means someone without black hair. His hair is a little lighter so everyone calls him canche. A lot of times when we are walking somewhere and say hi to people they say back "hola canche!"because I too am a canche. Also there is this comedor, little restaurant place, we found called comedor el canche so we'll have to go eat there one of these days. I think canche might also be a guatemalan thing.

A cool little miracle happened on Monday! Monday is when we have district council and also weekly planning. Most missions have their pdays on Monday but ours are Wednesday. But so we meet up as a district and zone every Monday. As I've said before we have been working a lot with finding people through less-actives by teaching their family members, friends and neighbors and finding the elect through that way, while at the same time help activate the less actives. So we use the list of members to find a lot of less actives. It's a little harder than just knocking doors but we have seen some amazing miracles from it! It's also a bit of a longer process because you have to first find the less-actives who very often don't have a set address to their house, and then teach them and get references and then visit the references and since it's a longer process we really try and start earlier in the week. So as we left the house on Monday we prayed that we would be able to find 3 less actives and had that prayer in mind throughout the day. We were looking for a couple names on the cimi (which is the list of ward members) and asked this random lady in the street if she knew the person we were looking for. Turns out she did and pointed us in the right direction and then basically from asking around we were able to find the guy! He has recently moved so the address we had (which all it said was that he lived in front of the sport complex) wasn't where he lived at all. It was a total miracle! After that we had some other appointments but at 8:00 that night stuff fell through so we had a little more time to look for less actives, still with that goal in mind of finding 3. Well we walked to this one house where we knew some less actives lived but they had never answered before and literally right as we got there the dad walked out. We actually scared him because we were walking fast and almost ran into him. We talked for a bit and it turns out he had just barely gotten back from the capital and was leaving so that moment that we stopped by was the only time he was home. Then we went to this part of our area called el chaparon and were looking for a family. At this point it was 8:30 and we only had 15 minutes left before we needed to start walking home. We had found the street but the majority of te houses didn't have numbers. Then this random guy walked out of a comedor and asked us who we were looking for and then he helped us look for them and got the help of the people who own the comedor who knew the family! They showed us where the house was and we talked with them and set up an appointment for tomorrow and then speed walked home. It was such a small but impacting answer to prayer! I truly believe that Heavenly Father listens to our prayers and that if we turn our will over to His He will do wonders in our life. I hope you are all doing Come, Follow Me because it is so awesome! Something I leaned this week that I love is a quote from President Benson who said that "men and women who turn their lives over to God will find that He can make much more out of their lives than they can on their own"(I only have the original quote in Spanish so it might not be a perfect translation) and it is so true! When Christ called his apostles they straightaway left their nets and followed him. In missionary work today, which is the same work the apostles did, we need to leave behind all other personal affairs (our nets) and follow Christ and when we do so He will make much more out of our lives and our missionary service than we can on our own. He guides this work and we are only instruments in His hands. I know that Jesus Christ restored His true church through the prophet Joseph Smith and that He, our Savior, guides this church today. We are here to help people come unto Him and to bring the restored and everlasting gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people to gather scattered Israel and prepare this fallen world we live in for the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is the absolute most important work happening on the earth today am I am so grateful to be a part of it.
Have a great week everyone!

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