Wednesday, March 4, 2020

20 months - Casi No Me Mantengo

 Subject: Casi No Me Mantengo     

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard that phrase in my mission. Probably thousands of times. It is the classic answer when we invite people to learn more about the Restored Gospel. "Fíjese que casi no me mantengo en mi casa" (literal translation being "Look, I almost don't maintain myself in my house"). With how many times I have heard that, I am surprised that ANYONE is EVER in their house. But those who really want to learn, make the time to listen. It's interesting because with Claudia's parents, who are pretty evangelical, whenever we knock always just let us right in. But I am pretty sure that if we had found then just contacting they would have given us a typical response that they don't have time to listen to us. Working through the members, especially the recent converts, is really important. Maribel is also a reference from a recent convert. So we are trying to work in an effective and inspired way and also work really hard and we are learning a lot.

We were going to go to the temple with Claudia this week, as well as with Sandi and her family, but both got canceled. With Claudia it was to do baptisms and with Sandi it was to help them receive an answer and we are still planning on going but it got postponed. But we are planning to go with Claudia tomorrow with some members and were helping her yesterday find a name.

Sandi is still like keeping all of the commitments, just that every once in awhile she doesn't read. She just feels like baptism is a big step and wants to be sure before taking it. So keep her in your prayers, as well as her family that they will also progress. Her mom Nancy and her sister Gaby have both come to church 3 times and have read a bit in the Book of Mormon. Her brother Byron is awesome and we think he has a lot of potential. The only thing is that he has only read the introduction (almost 2 months ago) and hasn't come to church yet because he has a hard time waking up. The other brother Saul is also great and when we leave him a chapter to read he reads. But he gets home at like 10:00 and works on Sunday mornings so he hasn't been able to come to church but he wants to. The temple will be an awesome experience for them, being able to walk around and some sister missionaries there will explain what the temple is. Their dad passed away years ago and being at the temple, I know that they will feel closer to him and help them know how they can help him.

Maribel is still reading the Book of Mormon and really likes it but it is hard for her to come to church when she opens paca. Keep her in your prayers that she can make the sacrifice, even for just an hour. We haven't taught her about the Word of Wisdom yet but her son Steve (spelled Stiv) who is 8 years old was there when the missionaries before taught her sister-in-law Evelin and learned that we shouldn't drink coffee and this week when Maribel was making coffee he corrected her and told her that she couldn't do that. Stiv is actually really pilas though. Also please keep her husband in your prayers that he will have more of a desire to learn and go to church with her to see what it's like.

Also there is this lady we are teaching named Luz who when I first met her I thought "why are we going to teach her" but she is actually really pilas. She reads the Book of Mormon a ton! She doesn't read a whole lot but she reads and understands really well and she tells us every time how much she loves the Book of Mormon, and she has only gotten to 1 Ne 16! She hasn't come to church yet but wants to come and this week was going to come to a baptismal service of the other elders but she went to the chapel that's further down.

My companion is great and we are learning how to work with more unity and reach with one voice. We went to a park this week that had a cool lookout over the city but it was cloudy so we didn't see much. 
But it was still super fun to get out and we made a little obstacle course on the park. I had the gold medal spot until Elder Saxtons last run when he beat me by 3 seconds. So I settled with Silver.


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