Wednesday, January 1, 2020

18 months - A New Year 2020

Joseph called today while Corey and I were both skiing at Brighton with Lily and Natalie. So I was a bit distracted and wasn't the best person to have a conversation with. Joseph said it was worse than when we "talked" to him on the beach. I asked "Worse cause you wish you were here skiing?" He didn't elaborate, or if he did I didn't catch it. But we'll try to do better next week. It should be better since it will be a week of life back to normal with everyone in school again. We are excited for the year 2020, especially to study the Book of Mormon this year as part of Come Follow Me!

Subject: 2020

Feliz año nuevo!

Welcome to 2020!

I hope you have all had some great new year festivities. We definitely did. We had to be in our house by 6:00. I actually missed the fireworks because I fell asleep and I am actually surprised the fireworks didn't wake me up but oh well, I woke up ready to start the new year feeling fresh! In the Multi-zone last week President Barneys counselor, Presidente Sazo talked about having 2020 vision for the year 2020. Also fun fact is that when I was in my first area he was the Elders Quorum president. And I am sure you may have heard about that 2020 vision thing but I think it's a super great way to look at the new year, with a perfect vision, and with faith that we can achieve our goals. And I can promise you all that if you put the Lord first in your life this will be a great year! Remember to read the Book of Mormon, every single day, constantly pray, go to church and regularly attend the temple and share the gospel with others! Especially now that we are going to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the First Vision! Get ready for General Conference everybody.

And speaking of the temple we took Evelin to the temple this week to do baptisms for the dead! We probably should have explained it a little better, because she thought she was just going to see the temple, not to get baptized for the dead, but she had a great experience still and loved the peace there. Here is a pic of us with the member family we went with, along with another recent convert and her mom. The mom is a bit less active but is coming back and after the temple she asked us what she had to do to be able to go inside and is going to prepare herself now! The temple is the best.

The Lord led us to an amazing family this week! We are teaching this lady named Sarah and she really likes us what we have been teaching her but is having a hard time keeping commitments. Anyways so we had an appointment with Sarah on Saturday night and when we got to her house she wasn't there so we called her and she told us to come over to a little crepe shop in the colony and she bought some crepes for us. So yeah super awesome because crepes are the best and we also got to know Sarah's sister-in law named Nancy and her kids who run the little crepe place and they are SO awesome! What was not so awesome is the fact that Sarah told us she was for sure coming to church this week but didn't come. When people don't keep commitments it reminds me of that one phrase in Madagascar from the Penguins that my dad quoted a lot, "don't give me excuses, give me results!". Anyways but we are still working with her and she loves the emphasis on family and was really surprised when we taught the law of chastity but she agrees that the world would be a lot better place if people kept it. Amen to that.

Anyways so on Monday we visited Nancy and her kids and they are so receptive! We taught about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and they just seem like they are so ready to receive the Restored Gospel! At the end of the lesson they offered us Coffee and we were about to say that we don't drink coffee but then they said that the coffee they made is this stuff called Morcaff which all the members use because its like coffee but cereals and so it's actually healthy. It's good stuff. AND last night when we were in our house, they called us and asked if they could bring us some tamales and we were like um yes! Also fun fact is that there are some members that have their same last name that live on the same street as them! But they don't know each other. And those members also brought us food. Kind of a weird funny coincidence.

Also I have gotten a little lax on the P90X because for a few months the area I have been in hasnt had a player for a USB or disc but here we do so we all did P90X this week and were so SO sore! After the Ab ripper X day my abs were so sore and during studies I had to sneeze and when I did it hurt SO BAD! Then my comp and the other elders start laughing, which made me laugh and also hurt because we were so sore. I hate it, but I love it. I also feel like I am started to understand Isaiah a little better after reading 3 Nephi 20 and 21. Give it a read, along with Isaiah 52. Remember to read the Book of Mormon every day and keep the commandments. LOVE YOU ALL!!

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