Wednesday, December 11, 2019

17 months - Manteca de Cacao

  Subject: Manteca de Cacao      

Alright so I don't know if many of you know what Cocoa Butter (or as it is said in the native tongue - Manteca de Cacao) is or what it is good for but I love that stuff!!

It has been getting a little colder, especially at night, here and that, combined with the sun during the day and the fact that I should have drank more water, gave me a really bad split lip right in the middle of my lip. So I put chapstick on it and Menthol and it would feel better but my lip would just not heal. And it was like that for a couple weeks!! It got to the point where other missionaries on divisions or members would ask me what happened to my lip and they would tell me I need to put something on it. They probably told me I should have put Cocoa Butter on it and I didn't listen and kept putting chapstick on. It wasn't too noticeable but my lip got to the point where if I smiled too big or sneezed it would open up and start bleeding a bit. I don't want to get too graphic here but the worst part was that sneezes normally come in rounds or two or three. So the first one would open up my lip and it would start bleeding again, and then the second one would spray blood on my sleeve. It was never very much blood and was easy to get out with my Tidestick but still pretty nasty as you can imagine.

So on Sunday there were even more comments about my lip than there normally are and this one lady told me that I needed to get Manteca de Cacao. Its only 2 Quetz in the pharmacy and so on Monday I got some and would like to announce that my lip has been COMPLETELY HEALED!!
It smells really good too and I put in on every couple of hours and it just works miracles! Also I'm pretty sure Manteca de Cacao is what they make white chocolate out of so that's another plus. 

Also my sister reminded me today that as a family we haven't been together here on earth at all! Peter was born after I left and we are hoping that I get home before Melodie and Ethan go on their missions. But the good thing is that Families can be together forever!!

We are in the thick of Ilumina el Mundo, or Light the world and it is so awesome! Last night we were in a Noche de Hogar and we sang Silent Night, which in Spanish is Noche de Luz which being translated is Night of Light. And then we read in the Book of Mormon in 3 Nephi 1 about how the sign of Christs birth in the Americas was a day and a night and a day as if it were one day and as we were reading it it dawned on me that the sign of Christs birth was a Noche de Luz! It was kind of like a mind blowing epiphany. I would encourage you all to study that chapter and live like Chrsit lived.

Also the Book of Mormon is totally true!! I found a video that i really liked that paraphrases a really good talk by Tad R Calister about the Book of Mormon being Gods compelling witness. Here is a link to it so you can check it out. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that Chrsit lives and is our Saviour!!

Also a little exchange between Hyrum and Joseph - Hyrum's question in an email last week:

One question: I've been trying to read my scriptures every day, specifically the Book of Mormon. But should I be reading the Bible a lot too? I don't think I've ever read the whole thing, but we are studying it in Seminary. I guess I feel like the Book of Mormon has always been more important. And I remember one day our counselor told a story about when his Dad discovered the church through the BoM and I really wanted a testimony. But he didnt get one until he read the whole thing. I've already read it once, but I guess I didnt read it as fully as I couldve since I was like 10, and a lot of it was just mindless reading. Anyway, I just reached Alma yesterday, but lemme know your thoughts. :)

And Joseph's reply today:

Alright so look. The Bible and the Book of Mormon are both the Word of God. They are both really important and we need both of them. You should read both of them. I hope you have been able to do Come follow me this year. As a missionary I haven't been able to. we have not received instruction to have it be part of my personal study but sometimes I do and I really love reading it and learning from the New testament. The Book of Mormon is super important though. They both content he words of Christ. The Book of Mormon is KEY however in order to obtain a witness of the prophetic calling of Joseph Smith and the Restoration of the Gospel. I will call in a minute and explain more about it but would encourage you to read both, but EVERY DAY without fault you should read from the Book of Mormon. That is great that you are at Alma already. I read the Book of Mormon several times before I received the desired witness, but it did come. I had to read and study it diligently and pray to know with real intent. I had to pray wanting to know if the Book was true more than I wanted anything else in the world and I also had to repent and look at it with the eye of faith and the answer I got, and keep getting, was an undeniable YES! Now I had always felt good when I read it and had received answers to my prayers and direction for my life. When I got the answer I realized that I already knew it was true. I am going to call right now if you are on and we can talk about it. That is a great question though!! Keep them coming!! LOVE YOU!!

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