Wednesday, October 9, 2019

15 months - Conferencia General


Heeey who loved General conference?!?!
We for sure did! And God really blessed us in helping people come which is always great because the Prophets and Apostles always have the Spirit with them which means that if people we are teaching listen with a sincere heart they will feel the Spirit and will become more converted.

The Osorio family is doing great! Some came on Saturday and some on Sunday but they all loved it and are progressing to be baptized on the 19th! Picture of them below!
Then we were really happy that the Ruiz family came and from what we could see they loved it but they were a little confused about why they talked about the Book of Mormon so much and said that it is the "most correct of any book on earth". They have a great love for the Bible so we can understand that, but if they would just read the whole Book and ask God if its true with a real intent I believe they will realize the importance of it and the truthfullness of that statement. Keep them in your prayers porfa!!

The Orellana family also came and loved it! They have all accepted a baptismal date for this saturday but dont feel like they are prepared enough so we are working with them more. They are super awesome and we just gave them a kids version of the Book of Mormon for them to use with their little girls.

And we also found another great family this week! Elder Riffo (before he left) would always contact people using futbol by playing it with people in street a little bit, impressing them with his skills and then contacting them. And thats how we found Felipe last week and then this week we taught him and all of his family and the message of the Restoration is exactly what he and his family have been looking for!

Also funny story is that we found a lost sheep this week and then we thought we found its owners but then their real owners came out so the lost sheep we though we found was never lost at all. Awkward.

I love this work and know that it the Church is true!! If you are feeling down, pick up the Book of Mormon, read it, pray, and go minister to someone else and you will feel better. I promise.

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