Wednesday, June 26, 2019

12 months - ONE YEAR TODAY!!

Well we've reached a milestone... Joseph's been gone one year today! He flew out on June 26, 2018. Crazy, so today marks we're half way!
     Subject: Adelante Nos Vamos     

Adelante nos vamos!!

Well this week was a great one! It is officially our last week in the Guatemala Guatemala City South Mission. On Friday President Barney and his wife get here making it the offical change. But even though the mission is changing the work stays the same! It's actually so awesome to be here in Guatemala (which is actually a pretty tiny country when you see it on a map) when the country gets it's 7th mission! Super exciting stuff!!
Because of the mission addition they are also changing the limits to a lot of missions and so President has let missionaries go and say goodbye to converts that are in areas that are changing missions on pday (something missionaries normally only do in their last transfer) with less time because after the mission change they wont be able to. And in interviews a little while ago with President he said I could take advantage of saying that to visit Mario who is in Lo de Coy and needed some animo. Lo de Coy is also going to the Antigua mission so I'm sure I'll pass by there a bunh more times but so this morning I went with an Elder Altamirano in the district to go visit Mario. The purpose of it is to strengthen the recent converts and help them to stay firm and faithful in the church. Mario has been going through a lot of stuff and it's been a hard past few months but he's doing better now and we had a great visit.
We were in the shade but the sun was still SUPER bright.

Also on the way back we were walking and this family in a car waved at us and yelled Ëlderes!"and we waved but didnt think much of it. But then they kept yelling and waving us over and then pulled over. And they gave us some KRISPY KREME DONUTS!!! It was Mana from heaven!! We were super hungry so I ate both donuts kind of fast. I should have savored them a little more but it TOTALLY made our day.

Galilea and her family is progressing a little bit. They didnt come to church (even though they said they would) but later that day we were able to read from the Book of Mormon with them and it was awesome! Except for Galilea, they havent been reading, so we really wanted to focus on that. Also every time we go there they give us food. Like literally every single time. And its great but what has happened a couple times is that we are eating and then we only have time to share a quick little thing but arent able to focus as much on them and their needs. So we are trying to focus more on teaching them and spend less time eating with them so that they can become converted to Jesus Christ.

And Juan is still waiting on the papers to get married. As soon as he gets the green light he is going to go to Mexico to get the papers all figured out and it will be super fast and then they'll be able to get married and baptized. They are super pilas though!! Like they participate in sunday school and everything and its awesome. And I probably mentioned this but they speak perfect english.

Other than that we have just been working hard here. Trying to find more people to teach and help them keep commitments. A lot of stuff fell through this week but we were able to find some people who we really think will progress. Two of them we found by accident looking for a reference that didnt live there. But they let us teach them and we're excited for our followup appointments.

The title of this week means basically forward we go and its something that President Shumway says a lot. Like at the end of every monday letter and at the end of interviews and its a phrase I really love. So the title is a tribute to President Shumway who is not ending his mission but he wont be my mission president anymore because we are going to the new antigua mission. For those who speak spanish you will notice the funny paradox there. Love you all!!

Also here is a picture of me with some RAID cuca (a cuca is short for cucaracha which means cockroach). Raid (pronounced with a spanish accent) is how you pronounce my last name and since it is usually hard for people I usually say "like the spray RAID MAX" and they get it.

Have a great week!!

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