Wednesday, January 30, 2019

7 months - First Week in Jutiapa

                Subject: Me golpiò                             
Hey all!!

So this first week in Jutiapa has been really great! The people here are super awesome and the ward is super great. It has only been a ward for about 5 years and the bishop is the first bishop. They are really super supportive and it's a really strong ward. We worked a lot this week trying to find inactive members from the ward registers and found a lot of them! A lot we didn't find because there aren't always addresses outside the capital so that made it a little harder but we did find a lot of people! The president of the area of Central America, Elder Uceda, came to the mission when I had 3 weeks in the field and talked to us in a multi-zone conference and a big part of what he talked about was getting references from less-actives and recent converts. So that has been a big focus in the mission since then and we are trying to focus a lot on that here because this area has a TON of potential.

The Hermanas (meaning sister missionaries) in our area (because our area in humungous. Actually it's the biggest area in the mission. I'll include a map later) had a baptism and so on Saturday we tried to get a lot of people to that. There are these 3 kids who the hermanas started teaching but they live in our part of the area so now we are starting to teach them. They've come to church a couple times and also came to the baptismal service! Their names are Mario, Aaron, and Angel. We are going to go teach them tonight with our ward mission leader and really hope they can keep progressing. They are super awesome kids. We are also working a lot with someone named Jonatan who is the younger brother of someone named Kevin in our ward. Apparently he also got baptized a while ago (like he passed the interview and the font was filled up and everything) and then he decided not to. We aren't sure why but he is enrolled in seminary now and we are teaching him and he is also really progressing! We were hoping that he and the 3 boys would come to church and they did... but they got there after sacrament meeting. But they came so that was great and we're gonna help them get to church a little earlier now.

Also something interesting that happened this week that makes a super good story is that I got punched in the face this week by a crazy guy! Don't worry though everything is fine but the crazy guy is still out there. He was following Elder Aquino and his last comp a few weeks ago and so when we saw him on Friday walking towards us in the park as we were walking through Elder Aquino told me that he was crazy and to not stop to talk to him. He was wearing a giant overcoat though which when I first saw him I thought was weird since its super hot here. He was walking towards us, from the direction that we needed to go and Elder Aquino was able to get around him but when I tried to pass him but he was standing right in front of me and like pushing me and making it so I couldn't pass him and he told me to give him his hand and held his hand up like he wanted to shake my hand. Looking back I really shouldn't have given him my hand but it all happened so fast and so I shook his hand hoping he would leave us alone and he grabbed it super hard and threatened that he would punch me in the face and then he did! It was crazy!! He hit me right in the upper lip and didn't do it that hard so it didn't bleed or anything but he definitely did hit me. Haha I should have told him that my sister hits harder than he does but just used the opportunity to get away and we just kept walking for a little bit and called president. So then on Saturday someone who is in charge of all the security for missionaries in all of central america came and we looked for the guy and couldn't find him. But we did find out more information about the guy. He is just this crazy guy. Un loco. And we are not the only people he has bugged before. Apparently he does this a lot and the police have dealt with him before so we just need to avoid him. And if he follows us again apparently all we need to do is threaten to throw water on him. So that is hopefully the end of that story and so far that is the craziest thing that has happened to me on my mission. And other than that guy Jutiapa is super tranquilo and super safe.

Here are some pics of the apartment!
It´s pretty small but I like it. There are 3 rooms. Our kitchen is in the same room as our desks and our closets, and then the bathroom, and the bedroom.
And another view where you can see part of the desks and the kitchen and the closets
The sink for the bathroom is right outside the bathroom
which is right next to the bedroom
Our house is like behind the house of some members so we have to go in a door by the garage and then walk down this alley thing where the door to enter the house is.
Also for a little perspective to my area now compared to my area before. In the captial the areas are a lot smaller because there are a lot more people in a smaller area. Here is a map of the mission. The green border is the stake boundaries and the red border is our area. And you won´t be able to see it unless you zoom in but I marked in blue my last area.
So just guessing I´d say that our area now is more than 100 times bigger than my last area, which I though was also pretty big. And our area goes all the way to the El Salvador border but I haven´t been there yet. And neither has Elder Aquino in his 3 months here. So there is a lot of work to do but I know that the gospel will roll forth and spread throughout all the world however impossible the odds may seem. For God nothing is impossible and I am so greateful to be part of such a great work! The Lord needs us to be the best missionaries the world has ever seen!

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